Sign into and open Azure Active Directory
Navigate to App Registrations, New Registration
Name: DMSforLegal Mobile ,
Supported Account Types: Accounts in this organizational directory only
Platform configuration: Client Application
The authentication screen is now selected.
Add a platform, iOS / macOS
The bundle ID of the application is com.eponalegal.mobiledmsforlegal
The configuration wizard will now automatically generate the correct redirect URI,
(older versions of the Azure AD Interface required manual configuration of this URL)
Now that the application is registered, we need to give it permission to access SharePoint. We
will assign read/write permissions, the specific user permissions take over once the user is
logged in.
Open Manage, API permissions.
Add a Permission, SharePoint
Grant admin consent for these permissions. If this step is omitted, the users will have to grant
their explicit consent when they connect with the mobile app.
The app has now been successfully registered. Return to the app details screen and copy the
generated Application Client ID. This is the ID that needs to be registered in the DMSforLegal
Mobile app on all devices.