The contactmanager api is available using the url http://<server>/api/contactmanager.asmx

Existing actions are never changed. Newer methods are created using an incrementing number.

The WSDL can be requested via: http://<server>/api/contactmanager.asmx?WSDL

A request to the API will store two cookies in the response (CMAuth and CMAuthentication). Resend this cookie with the next requests.

# Login

# Forms Authentication

Use the Login action:

<Login xmlns="http://epona.nl/ContactManager/">

# Windows Authentication (NTLM)

Specify the windows credentials in the SOAP requests. It's still necessary to use the login method, in this case only specify the loginname (including the domain name). The password can be left empty.

# Fetch information

# SearchContacts

This request will return an array of Item objects, because the result can contain multiple types of contacts.

<SearchContacts xmlns="http://epona.nl/ContactManager/">

SearchType: Contact, Company, Employee, Person, CompanyDepartment

SearchValue: a search string like you enter in the left bottom search panel inside the CM user interface

NumberOfRecods: the number of records that are returned.

Use the ItemType in the result Item object to identify the type of record and use the specify GetCompany/GetEmployee/GetPerson/GetCompanyDepartment to fetch all the details if necessary.

# Get* actions

Use the different actions to fetch a single record from ContactManager.

# GetContactByExternalID

Fetch a single contact by using the unique external identifier.

Type: Company / Person / Employee / CompanyDepartment / Contact

Application: the name of the external application

ExternalID: the unique ID

<GetContactByExternalID xmlns="http://epona.nl/ContactManager/">

# Store information

# Get* methods

The ID parameter should contain one of the following values:

  • CM ID, the internal unique CM ID

  • The external unique identifier in the format of APPLICATION@ID (for example QUBIS@1003)

  • Leave the field ID empty.

CM will try to find the record using the supplied values. If not found an empty record is returned with an empty ID property. If a record is found the record is returned and the ID is filled with the CM ID.

# Save* methods

To update a record always use this sequence:

  • Fetch the record using the Get* methods, an empty entity is returned when the record is not found.

  • Save the record using the Save* methods.

When creating a new record the Get* method is not necessary. Fill the ID field with the CM ID (returned from the Get method) or use the external unique identifier in the format of APPLICATION@ID.

Update the properties in the result object and send the object to CM using the Save* actions.

When the record is fetched the VersionID will contain the latest version from the server. This value will be used to prevent concurrent updates. To disable this behavior set VersionID to 0.

# Update Reference properties

Reference properties can be updated by supplying one of these values:

  • CM ID, the internal unique CM ID

  • A external link in the format of:
    The externalcode is only used for a person or company to specify the clientcode.

  • For LookupItems (like language, country, mattertype, etc) specify the Code as used in CM (see CRM Configuration, tab LookupItems)

  • For internal employees the column Extra can be filled with the username, if the column extra is filled, leave the column ID empty.

# SavePerson2

If the person is not found an existing person is search based on a 100% match on the properties (lastname, gender, lastnameprefix, firstname/initials, emailaddress).

The Owner and OwnerSub properties can be updated by specify the contact using the ID field or specify the windows username in the Extra field (and make the ID field empty).

# SaveCompany2

If the company is not found an existing company is searched based on a 100% match on the properties (DUNS Number, Chamber of Commerce number, website, RSIN number or Tax number).

The Owner and OwnerSub properties can be updated by specify the contact using the ID field or specify the windows username in the Extra field (and make the ID field empty)

# SaveAddress2

The external identifier should be unique over all addresses. For example use a combination of the clientID + AddressType to generate a unique identifier.

CM can automatically parse the streetline into street, number and extension. Set the StreetLine property and leave the Street property empty.

Specify the client (person or company) using the ContactID, for example in the format of APPLICATION@ID.

CM does NOT validate the address using the country requirements.

A new location is automatically created if an existing location is not found using LocationID and a LocationCode or LocationName is specified.

The fields IsDefaultPostalAddress and IsDefaultVisitorAddress are only used when the value is set to true. When an address is no longer default, make another Address the Default address. This will disable the default setting for the previous default address.

# SaveEmployee2

The external identifier should be unique over all employees. For example use a combination of the clientID + incrementing number to generate a unique identifier.

A new department is automatically created if an existing department is not found using DepartmentID and a DepartmentCode or DepartmentName is specified.

The nested company and person properties are NOT saved to the company or person in CM. Use a separate SaveCompany/SavePerson to modify the person/company fields. Only the Person.ID and Company.ID fields are only used when creating a new employee.

# SaveMatter3

Specify the correct ActivityType for a new matter (MATTER / MATTER_NOT OR MATTER_ADV (can be changed in each implementation)). The permissions on the matter are based on this property when creating a new matter (not when updating).

ClientContactID can optionally contain a unique reference the client contact (employee) for the matter. Specify the client (person or company) using the ClientID (see Update reference properties)

Last Updated: 9/19/2024, 12:10:23 PM