# Import Information
ContactManager can import information using standard excel files. There are several different imports each to import specific information. Each import has its own specification, but there are some general rules and features.
- The first row of the excel files contains the fieldnames. The order of fieldnames is not important.
- During the import records can be created or updated. The import always tries to find an existing record based on 3 or 4 columns. When a record already exists it will update that record, else it will create a new record:
- CM_ID The internal unique (database-wide) ID number in ContactManager
- ExternalType
A fix value of:- P = Person
- C = Company
- E = Employee
- CD = CompanyDepartment
- A = Address
- L = Location
- D = Department
- Client / CompanyPerson / PersonCompany = find contact of type person or Company
- Full Name (like Person / IndustryCode / Industry), equal to TableName without prefix do.
Not used in every import, only if it’s unclear what the type of contact will be.
- ExternalApplication
The name of the external application that is used in a previous import to add records to ContactManager - ExternalApplicationID
The ID in the external application that is used in a previous import to add records to ContactManager. If type is Employee, it’s possible to specify the company externalid and person externalid like this: 1234@@789 (1234 = company externalid, 789 = person externalid)
First of all the import always tries to find a record based on the CM_ID. If the CM_ID cannot be found, the import will try to find a record using the ExternalType, ExternalApplication and ExternalApplicationID information.
- If the import contains lookup lists (like Country, Industry, etc.) the excel file should contain the Code of the lookup item (not the ID value).
There are global options when starting an import:
- mark record as changed If true the changed record is also marked as changed and (if available) changes will be synchronized to external systems if applicable.
- clear if true collections will be cleared before adding new items, resulting in replacing the information in Contact Manager with the information from the import file
- always update if true, all the property values of the record are always updated. if false, only the property values of the record that are empty are updated with values from the import file (if not empty).
When creating new records Contact Manager will automatically assign default permissions as specified in the web.config. If the current user is the Administrator, the default permissions will NOT be assigned.
# Import Contacts
This sheet can be used to import persons, companies and employees with address information.
If one of the following fields contains information the import assumes you want to update an existing or create a new person:
- PersonLastName
- PersonCM_ID
- PersonExternalApplication AND PersonExternalID
If the import finds an existing person it will update the information ONLY if the PersonLastName is filled in, else the import will only use the existing person (and for example use it to create an employee).
If a single match is found on these criteria and the external information is empty, no new person is created:
- LastName and (FirstName or Initials) and (BirthDate or Email)
- LastName and (FirstName or Initials) and (Street and City) or (Street2 and City2)
When one of the following fields contains information the import assumes you want to update an existing company or create a new company:
- CompanyName
- CompanyCM_ID
- CompanyExternalApplication AND CompanyExternalID
If the import has found an existing company it will update the information ONLY if the CompanyName is filled in, else it only will use the existing company (and for example use it to create an employee).
If a single match is found on these criteria and the external information is empty, no new company is created:
- DUNSNumber
- ChamberOfCommerce
- TaxNumber
- Website
- Name and (Street and City) or (Street2 and City2)
If the import has create a new person (or found an existing person) AND it has created a new company (or found an existing company) it will automatically create an Employee (if an existing employee is not found).
The import process will try to detect if the employee is already exists by searching in the list of employees that are attached to the company.
If a single match is found on these criteria and the external information is empty, no new employee is created:
- EmailAddress and LastName
- LastName and (FirstName or Initials)
If the import finds no existing department using the ID information (and/or DepartmentCode and/or DepartmentName) it will create a new department.
In this import you can import 2 addresses. The first address always becomes the default postal address. If a second address is imported it automatically becomes a visitor address.
If you want to import more address for the same contact, use the other ImportAddresses specification.
If you specify a LocationCode the addresses will be created inside the specified location, else the default location will be used.
The import process will check for an existing address (if the external information is empty) by comparing the AddressLine, Street and City fields. If an existing address is found, it will use the existing address.
You can automatically create a new user when this column contains a value. For example to import the internal employees and automatically create users and setup a relation between the user and employee record.
If the password is not filled in, Windows Authentication will be used.
Specify a folder path (with one or more levels) using a backslash or forward slash as separator. The import will try to find the folder from the Workspace. If the folder cannot be found a new folder will be (recursively) created. A shortcut will be placed inside this folder to the imported contact.
When this field is empty or contains the number 0 the import will create a normal Contact Folder with contact shortcuts, else it will create a subscription folder with subscription items.
FolderPath and FolderType can be added multiple times. Add a number (FolderPath1, FolderType1, FolderPath2, FolderType2, etc.) to specify multiple folders.
# Import Shortcuts
This format can be used to create a folder structure containing one ore more shortcuts (or subscription items) to contacts.
Specify the ID information for the contact
Specify a folder path (with one or more levels) using a backslash or forward slash as separator. The import will try to find the folder from the Workspace. If the folder cannot be found a new folder will be (recursively) created.
When this field is empty or contains the number 0 the import will create a normal Contact Folder with contact shortcuts, else it will create a subscription folder with subscription items. If the FolderType is a valid code for a SubscriptionFolderType, it will be assigned to the new folder.
Optionally assign a new status (subscriptionfolder only)
Optionally assign a subscriptionstatus (subscriptionfolder only) (Subscribed/Unsubscribed/Inherited/None)
Optionally add an owner to the subscriptionitem (subscriptionfolder only)
# Import Addresses
This format can be used to import one or more addresses for a specific contact. The import process will check for an existing address by comparing the AddressLine, Street and City fields. If an existing address is found, it will use the existing address.
Specify the ID information for the contact
If the contact is an employee optionally import an addressline at employee level.
Add or use an existing location and update information
Import the address information, added to the location specified within the company. If location is not filled in the default location will be used.
# Import Photos
Use this format to add photo information to a person.
Specify the ID information for the person
Specify a full path and filename to the image that contains the photo. This should be a (local) path available on the server. Copy the photo’s to a specific directory on the server and specify the local path in the excel file.
# Import Contact Relations
Use this format to import relations between two contacts.
FromCM_ID | ContactToCM_ID | CommunicationItemType |
ID of origin | ID of target | Relation type |
Relation type can be found in ContactRelationType LookUpField.
Instead of CM_ID columns other columns can be used to specify contact, see link. These are named: contact(to/from)(specification)
like: ContactFromExternalType
# Import DUNS-number / Chamber of Commerce number
Use this format to import the DUNS-number or Chamber of Commerce number for companies.
Specify the ID information for the company
Duns or Chamber of Commerce
The DUNS-number or Chamber of Commerce for the specified company
# Import Categories / Interests / Industries / IndustryCodes / Responsibilities
Use this format to import one or more lookup items that will be assigned to a specific contact. Before starting the import specify if the existing lookup items should be removed before adding the items from the excel file of that new lookup items should be added to the existing lookup items.
Specify the ID information for the entity
Category or Interest or Industry or IndustryCode or Reponsibility or Tag or Tag2
The code for the specific lookup item.
# Import Member Of
Use this format to import company structures (affiliates).
Specify the ID information for the company
Member of
Specify the ID information for the member of the company
# Import Owner
Use this format import the owner/account manager information for contacts
Specify the ID information for the contact
Owner UserName
Specify the user name (including domain name) that will be assigned as owner for a specific contact
# Import Employee Job information
Use this format import the employee job information for employees.
Specify the ID information for the contact
Specify the job title and/or job function
# Import Outlook Folder Sync
Use this format to add or remove folders for one or more users that will sync to Outlook.
Specify the username
Specify the folder path like ‘Afdeling/Sub Folder/Sub Sub Folder’
Leave empty to add a folder, specify true to remove the folder for the specified user.
# Import Update
Use this format to update one or more fields. The following fields are used to identify a record in CM. The other columns that are added are assumed to be a valid field for that record. The value is only updated when the current value is empty or the option “Always overwrite” is enabled when importing:
CM_ID | Unique identifier in CM |
CM_Code | Used for Contact.ClientCode/Matter.MatterCode/LookupItem.Code, ExternalType is required! |
ExternalType | Specify the type name (not necessary when CM_ID is specified |
ExternalApplication | Specify the name of the external application, only used in combination with ExternalType and ExternalApplicationID |
ExternalApplicationID | Specify the externalid of the external application, , only used in combination with ExternalType and ExternalApplication |
# Examples
Update Owner/RTK in a matter based on the mattercode. Use column OwnerSub for the BTK.
ExternalType | CM_Code | Owner |
Matter | <mattercode> | <username> |
# Import D&B information
Use this format import specific D&B information for companies.
Put the (ultimate) parent company at the top of the excel file, so they are imported first.
Specify the ID information for the company (child company). If no company is found, the DUNS, TaxNumber and Name/Street/City are used to find an existing company in ContactManager
Name, OfficialName
These fields are only imported when an existing company is not found.
Import the address information (optionally including external information), added to the default location of the company. These fields are only imported when an existing company is not found. New address is only created if the combination of street and city does not already exist.
Specify the user name (with/without domain name) that will be assigned as owner for a specific contact
Specify the ID information for the parent company. If no company is found, the DUNS is used to find an existing company in ContactManager
If left blank the MemberOf / (Ultimate) Parent company is cleared (in combination with Always Update).
Enter a date or a boolean true value to indicate that the Member Of field is locked.
Specify the ID information for the User that is responsible for locking the Member Of Field.
Specify the reason why the Member Of information is locked.
Specify one ore more SIC code. The SIC code will be added to the list. If the option Clear is selected, the current list of SIC codes are removed in ContactManager.
# Import Synchronizable Record
Used for updating the mapping (synchronizable record)
between contact manager data (synchronizable object) and an external system.
Generally, you can update the mapping in two modes:
- using CM identifiers
- using external identifiers
Column name | IN/OUT | Data type | Description |
CM_ID | IN | number | Identifier of a contact manager object |
CM_CODE | IN | text | Contains the code for a client/matter or other objects Contains a username when 'ExternalType' resembles a User Requires 'ExternalType' |
ExternalType | IN | text | The type of the data. For example: PersonCompany, CompanyPerson, Client |
ExternalApplication | IN | text | Original name of the external application |
ExternalApplicationID | IN | text | Original identifier of the data in the external application. Requires 'ExternalApplication' |
NewExternalApplication | IN | text | New name of the external application |
NewExternalApplicationID | IN | text | New unique identifier of the data in the external application. Requires 'NewExternalApplication' |
NewExternalApplicationCode | IN | text | Depending on the external application, this column contains a related external identifier (for example a client identifier). Requires 'NewExternalApplication' |
When not using CM_ID and looking up objects via external identifiers, the following required columns should be provided:
ExternalType | Required |
CmsUser | ExternalType, CM_CODE |
CrmItem | ExternalType, CM_CODE, ExternalApplication, ExternalApplicationID |
(other) | ExternalApplication, ExternalApplicationID |
# Example with CM identifier
Updates the mapping between a CM object identified by '12345' and an application called 'MYEXTERNALAPP'.
CM_ID | NewExternalApplication | NewExternalApplicationID | NewExternalApplicationCode |
# Example with external identifier
ExternalType | CM_CODE | NewExternalApplication | NewExternalApplicationID | NewExternalApplicationCode |
Epona.ContactManager.CrmUserInfo | my.work@office.com | MYEXTERNALAPP | (id in MYEXTERNALAPP) | (code in MYEXTERNALAPP) |
# Import DeDuplication actions
Use this format to import deduplication actions into Contact Manager.
Master Entity
Specify the ID information for the Master Entity. External Type is required in case of specifying the record by Code or Application/ExternalID.
Duplicate Entity
Specify the ID information for the Duplicate Entity. External Type is required in case of specifying the record by Code or Application/ExternalID.
Specify the type of action that should be executed to the Duplicate Entitity, None / InActive or Remove.
# Import Permissions
Use this format to import permissions and/or to create a folder structure with correct permissions into Contact Manager. When ‘clear collections’ is checked, each entity is resetted automatically to the default permissions (equal to PermissionType is ‘reset’).
Specify the ID information for the Master Entity. External Type is required in case of specifying the record by Code or Application/ExternalID.
Specify a folder path (with one or more levels) using a backslash or forward slash as separator. The import will try to find the folder from the Workspace. If the folder cannot be found a new folder will be (recursively) created.
When this field is empty or contains the number 0 the import will create a normal Contact Folder with contact shortcuts, else it will create a subscription folder with subscription items.
See below
reset the permissions on the entity (remove all permissions and enable inherited)
reset the permissions on the entity and on all childs (for example folder and its childnodes) (remove all permissions and enable inherited)
the specified user/role name will get Allow Permission on the Entity
the specified user/role name will get Deny Permission on the Entity
the permissions specified with the user/role and Permission will be removed from the Entity.
This is the script to determine the permissions types
action = (GetFieldValue("PermissionType") as string ?? String.Empty).ToLower();
int allowed = -1;
cms.PermissionService ps = Session.GetService<cms.PermissionService>();
switch (action) {
case "reset":
node.Permissions.Inherit = true;
case "resetchilds":
ps.RemoveChildPermissionsAndSetInheritFlag(node as cms.INode);
case "deny":
case "denied":
allowed = 1;
case "remove":
case "removed":
allowed = 2;
case "allow":
case "allowed":
allowed = 0;
True/False, enable / disable inherited permission on the entity. If empty, lease as is.
# Permissions
There is a set of pre-defined permissions supported internally by DataObjects.NET. Permissions are sometimes automatically assigned (for example if you have ownerpermissions, you have also readpermissions (see permissions between hives).
AdministrationPermission* - this permission is supported internally by DataObjects.NET. It allows to perform anything - any permission Demand will be successful if this permission is allowed.
ChangeFullTextDataPermission* is required to change any full-text indexing data (see IFtObject, FtRecord). It’s not necessary to assign this right to an user or role. It’s used by the system.
ChangePasswordPermission* is required to use SetPassword method for the particular User;
ChangePermission* is required to change any property of the DataObject instance;
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
ChangePermissionsPermission* is required to change the Permissions property of the DataObject instance;
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
ChildrenDeserializationPermission* is required to deserialize child objects of the DataObject instance. Not required.
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
ChildrenPermissionsDeserializationPermission* is required to deserialize child objects' permissions. Not required.
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
OwnerPermission* - the presence of this permission for a specific user (or group) tells that he is an owner of the DataObject instance (actually it implicitly grants ChangePermission, ChangePermissionsPermission, ReadPermission, ReadPermissionsPermission, RemovePermission, ChildrenDeserializationPermission, ChildrenPermissionsDeserializationPermission, SerializationPermission).
SerializationPermission* is required to serialize the DataObject instance;
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission). Not required.
ReadPermission* is required to read any property of the DataObject instance;
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
ReadPermissionsPermission* is required to read the Permissions property of the DataObject instance;
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
RemovePermission* is required to remove the DataObject instance.
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
Next to the pre-defined permissions there are a set of additional permissions:
CreateChildNodesPermission* is required to create a new child within a node.
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
EnumerateChildNodesPermission* is required to read the child nodes of node
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission, ChangePermission, ReadPermission)
ReadSummaryInfoPermission* is required to read the main properties of a node
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission, ChangePermission, ReadPermission)
RemoveFolderPermission* is required to remove a contactfolder, subscriptionfolder and a contactsearchfolder.
ChangeCompanyNamePermission* is required to change some specific properties of a company (Name, OfficialName, MemberOf, DUNSNumber, ChamberOfCommerce, Owner).
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
ChangeMarketingInformationPermission* is required to change some specific properties of a contact (Jobfunction, Categories, Interests, Industries, Responsibilities, StockExchanges, Segments, ContactType).
(automatically assigned when OwnerPermission)
create new items: **CreateChildNodesPermission;
create new folder: **CreateFolderPermission;
change important information:**ChangeCompanyNamePermission;
list items: **EnumerateChildNodesPermission;
remove items from folder: **RemoveChildNodesPermission;
verify: **VerifyPermission;
remove folder: *RemoveFolderPermission.
# Import ChamberOfCommerce Update
Use this format to import chamberofcommerce information for the Update Service from webservices.nl.
More details can be found on (opens new window)
Specify the ID information for the company
Specify the chamber of commerce number. Contact information is not needed in this case. The import will search for an existing company via the chamber of commerce number.
The following values can be used. The default action is: track the company for further updates (no credits charged)
- Track / 0 à Track the company for updates (no credits charged) (default action)
- Remove / 1 à remove chamber of commerce from tracked companies (no credits charged)
- Update / 2à import latest version from webservices, don’t activate tracking (normal credits for “new company” are changed!)
- AddAndUpdate / 3 à import latest version from webservices and track the company for further updates (normal credits for “new company” are changed!)
# Import Lookupitems
(Academic) titles
When in the contact.config the following key are set:
<add key="ViewPersonTitleList" value="Visible" />
<add key="ViewPersonPostTitleList" value="Visible" />
It is possible to import (academic) titles and post titles:
Type | Code | Name | ExternalApplication | ExternalApplicationID | ExternalApplicationCode | PersonPostTitle |
PersonTitle | DR | dr. | ||||
PersonTitle | RA | rA | 1 |
To import LookupFieldValue linked to a parent lookupfield. Use the following columns
The code for the LookupField that the LookupFieldValue should be linked to
Type | Field | Code | Name | ExternalApplication | ExternalApplicationID | ExternalApplicationCode | PersonPostTitle |
LookupFieldValue | WWFT | WWFT_YES | WWFT Plichtig |
# Import SubscriptionStatusPermission
CM_ID | SubscriptionStatusPermissionType |
ID of contact | SubscriptionStatusPermission |
Optionally use the column Subscribe with a true value to update the contact to Subscribed.
SubscriptionStatusPermissionType is equal to SubscriptionStatusPermission.
Instead of CM_ID other columns can be used to specify contact, see link.
# Add LookupFieldValue to an existing contact or matter
Use this import to link a lookupfieldvalue to an existing contact or matter.
Contact or Matter
Specify the ID information for the Contact or Matter (using CM_ID or ExternalApplication columns)
Optionally use the mattercode to link a lookupfieldvalue to a matter
Specify one or more Lookup Field Value codes (seperated by a ; or ,)
# Extra columns that can be used for specification of contact
The following can be used as column to specify the origin instead of CM_ID.
# ContactExternalType
Can be equal to the following or an external type:
- Contact
- PersonCompany
- CompanyPerson
- Client
# ContactExternalApplication
Application id of the external application.
# ContactExternalApplicationID
External application ID of contact.